Roadmap to Millionaire as an Investor

7 years of experience on Finance and wealth building, this blog is created to generate ideas how everyone can make a million dollar through actively investing.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Marketing Tips at Infinity Point Office

At IPOINT, we had 3 speakers Jason, Mark, Mathew presenting tips on marketing.

Jason started off by Cold leads, which is people you just meet in a marketing event. Basicly to get notice - Wear something special so people could talk to you about it.

Mathew goes into detail on converting cold leads to warm by Follow up process.

Mark closed it up with a Model called A.L.L.O.W

Ask questions
Listen Carefully
Look for need
Offer Solution
Walk away (take away)

Then you Follow up - arrange a time to visit or pop by -some people may not like it if you say appointments or meetings - because of previous association with the words.


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