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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rental Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program — Rental RRAP

Rental Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program — Rental RRAP

The Rental Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (Rental RRAP) offers financial assistance to pay for mandatory repairs to self-contained units occupied by low-income tenants. This program is available in both rural and urban areas.

Who Can Apply?

You, as the owner of an affordable housing rental unit, may apply if your property is eligible. To receive a loan, you will enter into an agreement that places a ceiling on the rents that you may charge after the repairs are completed and limits rent increases during the term of the agreement. You must also agree to limit new occupancy to low-income tenants.

Eligible Properties

Your property is eligible if it meets the following:

  • It is owned by a private entrepreneur, a non-profit corporation, or housing cooperative that is not receiving government housing assistance;
  • It is a rental unit occupied by tenants who have income at or below established thresholds where pre and post RRAP rents are below the established levels for the your local area;
  • The property is at least five years old and lacks basic facilities or requires major repairs in at least one of the following areas: heating, structural, electrical, plumbing and fire safety;
  • A legitimate landlord and tenant relationship exists. Rents being charged can be confirmed.

Eligible Repairs

Eligible repairs include mandatory repairs required to bring properties up to minimum levels of health and safety. The quality of the repairs should extend the useful life of the dwelling for at least 15 years.

Ineligible Properties

Hospitals, motels, hotels, bed and breakfasts, residential-care facilities, or special-purpose projects.

Ineligible Repairs

Any repairs carried out before the Rental RRAP loan is approved in writing are not eligible.

Financial Assistance

Assistance is in the form of a fully forgivable loan of up to 100 per cent of the cost of eligible repairs. The amount you could receive is based on the cost of mandatory repairs and the number of eligible units in your rental property. If the cost of mandatory repairs is more than the maximum forgivable loan available, you, as the owner, will be required to cover the additional cost.

The maximum amount per unit you could receive varies according to the three geographic zones:

Maximum Loan/Unit
Zone 1: Southern areas of Canada $24,000
Zone 2: Northern areas $28,000
Zone 3: Far northern areas $36,000
Additional assistance may be available in areas defined as remote.

Other Assistance Available

Landlords and homeowners may also be eligible for assistance to improve accessibility for persons with disabilities or seniors with an age-related difficulty.

Contact Us

To find out how to apply for financial assistance or for more information about these programs please call CMHC toll free at 1-800-668-2642 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-668-2642 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.


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